Alternative Delivery of Specialized Instructional Services (ADSIS) is an application process for districts and charter schools to apply for state special education aid. The purpose of ADSIS is to provide instruction to assist students who need additional academic or behavioral support to succeed in the general education environment.
To determine if a student should receive reading instruction in ADSIS, a variety of data is considered. MCA and FAST data tests, along with recommendations from classroom teachers are all reviewed in the decision process. Reading instruction in ADSIS is delivered in a small group setting, (1 - 10 students) using evidence-based instructional strategies.
In our reading groups, we work on phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension wtih a systematic and explicit approach. Students will be monitored on a regular basis for progress in the program. If a student demonstrates consistent growth, and is achieving grade-level benchmarks, s/he may exit the program, and enter a classroom WIN intervention, or other WIN class. For more information about the curriculum and resources I use, please contact me.
Dyslexia is a fairly common reading disability, and has nothing to do with intelligence. I suggest that if your child struggles with reading that you read this article.
If your child already has a diagnosis of dyslexia, or you want to dig deeper into the topic, I suggest the book Overcoming Dyslexia by Sally Shaywitz. It is also available on audiobook.